Στο περιεχόμενο της «Βικιπαίδεια»
Διαγραφή των αναφορών της Τράπεζας Ανατολής, στο profile της Εθνικής Τράπεζας στη «Βικιπαίδεια», μετά το σάλο που έχει ξεσπάσει με τις μετοχές της Τράπεζας Ανατολής, έγινε τη νύχτα της Παρασκευής προς Σάββατο, όπως αποκαλύπτει το zougla.gr. Συγκεκριμένα, αναφέρει:
"Οι πράξεις φαλκίδευσης και αλλαγής πληροφοριών στο Διαδίκτυο είναι μία «εύκολη» και κυρίως ηλεκτρονικά πρόσφορη διαδικασία. Με ένα απλό κλικ δύναται κανείς να διαγράψει και να αναρτήσει ότι επιθυμεί. Με μία διαφορά. Στο Διαδίκτυο αποτυπώνονται ίχνη, ιδιαίτερα αν ο ερευνητής γνωρίζει να ψάχνει και να αρχειοθετεί τις ανακαλύψεις του.
Στην ανάρτηση της «Βικιπαίδεια» στα ελληνικά εμφανιζόταν έως και πρόσφατα μέσω της μηχανής αναζήτησης Google, η συγκεκριμένη αναφορά στο ιστορικό της «Εθνικής Τράπεζας». Πολύ απλά, ο «συγγραφέας» είχε φροντίσει ως όφειλε να συμπεριλάβει στην ανάρτησή του όλα τα επίσημα στοιχεία και μεταξύ αυτών τόσο την ίδρυση της «Τράπεζας της Ανατολής» το 1904 όσο και την απορρόφηση της από την «Εθνική» το 1932.
Ως δια μαγείας λοιπόν και μετά τις αποκαλύψεις για την υπόθεση της μετοχής από την zougla.gr, η ανάρτηση της «Βικιπαίδεια» διαγράφη από το Διαδίκτυο τις νυκτερινές ώρες της Παρασκευής προς Σάββατο για να αντικατασταθεί τελικά από εντελώς άλλη ανάρτηση. Και ώ του θαύματος για άλλη μία φορά,ο «δαίμων» του Διαδικτύου λησμόνησε να αναφερθεί σε δύο σημαντικές ημερομηνίες που καθορίζουν, μεταξύ των άλλων ημερομηνιών, την πλούσια ιστορία του τραπεζικού ιδρύματος. Εκείνες του 1904 και του 1932, έτη ιδρύσεως και συγχωνεύσεως της «Τράπεζας της Ανατολής».
Το περίεργο ωστόσο είναι πώς στην έκδοση της «Wikipedia» στα αγγλικά εξακολουθεί το ιστορικό της «Εθνικής» να είναι «αρτιμελές» και να συμπεριλαμβάνει τις επίμαχες ημερομηνίες".
Το ιστορικό της Εθνικής όπως αναφέρεται στην Αγγλική έκοδοση της «Wikipedia» (με έντονα μαύρα γράμματα θα δείτε τις αναφορές στην Τράπεζα Ανατολής):
- NBG was founded in 1841 in Athens, making it the oldest bank in the country. It was not government-owned from its inception but had the right of note issue, which it lost in 1928 when the newly-established Bank of Greece took over as the country's central bank.[2] Its status was changed to government-owned when, during the first World War, the Bank refused to finance new military equipment for the Greek government. The government then issued legislation that permitted it to appoint its own people to the Bank's board.
- In 1899 NBG acquired the Privileged Bank of Epirus and Thessaly (Pronomiouchos Trapeza Epirothessalias). Andreas Syngros had founded the bank in Volos in 1882. Unfortunately, the bank was unable to recover from his death and from the Hellenic-Turkish War (1897).
- In 1904 NBG established Banque d’Orient, together with Nationalbank für Deutschland, which almost immediately withdrew from the venture. The Greeks kept the branches in Thessaloniki, Smyrna and Alexandria.
- In 1907 NBG chose Cyprus as the location for its first branch outside Greece.
- In 1919 NBG acquired the Bank of Crete (Trapeza Kritis).
- In 1923 the Treaty of Lausanne provided for a compulsory exchange of populations between Greece and Turkey, leading to the departure of the Greeks from Smyrna, resulting in the closure of Banque d’Orient's branch.
- In 1930 NBG and Bank of Athens combined their activities in Egypt into a joint subsidiary, Banque Nationale de Grèce et d’Athènes.
- In 1932 NBG acquired Banque d'Orient (Trapeza Anatolis).
- In 1939 it established a subsidiary in New York, Hellenic Bank Trust Company.
- During World War II, Deutsche Bank was responsible for managing NBG for the German Occupation.
- In 1953 the Greek government forced NBG to merge with Bank of Athens to form National Bank of Greece and Athens, later shortened to National Bank of Greece. The merger gave NBG control of the various subsidiaries of the Bank of Athens, including the South African Bank of Athens (est. 1947), which NBG still owns.
- In 1960 Egypt nationalised all banks in Egypt, including Banque Nationale de Grèce et d’Athénes, which it merged into National Bank of Egypt.
- In 1965 NBG acquired Trapeza Epagelmatikis Pistis.
- In 1996 bank governor Georgios Mavros founded the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation
- In 1978 the Greek government permitted the formation of Arab Hellenic Bank with 49% Arab ownership, as an exception to its prohibition on foreign banks owning more than 40% of the equity of a Greek bank. NBG held 51% and provided most of the bank staff. The Libyan Arab-Foreign Bank and Kuwaiti Investment Organisation held 40% between them while other Arab investors held 9%. That same year NBG opened a branch in Cairo.
- In 1994 NBG incorporated its branches in Cyprus into a subsidiary: National Bank of Greece (Cyprus)
- In 1995 the Greek government dissolved the insolvent Arab Hellenic Bank at a cost to Greece's Deposit Guarantee Fund of Euro 1.5m in payments to depositors.
- In 1998 NBG merged with the National Mortgage Bank of Greece (Ethniki Ktimatiki Trapeza Ellados), itself the result of the merger of the National Mortgage Bank and the National Housing Bank of Greece.
- In July, 2000 National Bank of Greece acquired 89.9% of the United Bulgarian Bank (UBB).
- In April, 2000, in a joint deal with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and IFC, NBG acquired a majority stake in Stopanska Banka (Skopje, Republic of Macedonia).
- In 2002 NBG merged with ETEBA – National Investment Bank for Industrial Development.
- In 2002 National Bank of Greece's attempted merger with Alpha Bank fell through.
- In 2003 NBG bought Banca Romaneasca, a Romanian bank, and currently holds 88.7% of all outstanding shares. Banca Romaneasca has 90 branches.
- In 2005 Bank of Nova Scotia acquired all of NBG's operations in Canada.
- In 2005, as part of the NBG Group's ongoing effort to improve its portfolio structure and effectively respond to changes in the domestic and international markets, the Boards of Directors of National Bank of Greece S.A. and National Investment Company S.A. decided to merge the two companies through absorption of the latter by the Bank.[3]
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- In 2006 NBG acquired 46% of the shares of Finansbank in Turkey.
- In 2006 NBG acquired 99.44% of Serbia's Vojvođanska Bank for €385 mn.
- In 2006 NBG sold its US arm, Atlantic Bank of New York, to New York Community Bancorp for US$400 million (€331 million) in cash. Proceeds from the sale will help finance further acquisitions in southeast Europe.
- On January 9, 2007 the National Bank of Greece announced that it had increased its stake in Finansbank to 80.4 percent. NBG, in a statement issued to the Athens Stock Exchange, said it had acquired the additional 34.4 percent in Finansbank from minority shareholders which adds to its already existing 46% stake. Hüsnü Özyeğin reported in the initial press conference when NBG announced its 46% share purchase that he would have "loved to have been offered National Bank of Greece shares instead of cash, however there were no shares available" (outside of the current shares floated in the free market).
- On January 25, 2007 NBG announced the merger between National Bank of Greece and National Management & Organization Co (Ethnokarta). Given that NBG holds 100% of National Management & Organization Co (Ethnokarta) shares, NBG’s share capital will not increase following the completion of the merger.
- On March 21, 2007 NBG concluded the acquisition of P&K Investment Services SA. The acquisition creates the largest provider of brokerage and investment services in Greece. NBG plans to expand this business to all countries where NBG has a presence.
- On February 18, 2011 NBG made an offer to buy Alpha Bank for 2.8 billion Euros.[4]
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